Tag Archives: Knuffle Bunny

100 Best Books for Children

Scholastic Parent & Child has named its 100 best books for children.  How many have you read?  What would you add (or remove) from this list?

Knuffle Bunny: The Adventure Ends

Willems, Mo (2010).  Knuffle Bunny Free: An Unexpected Diversion (PreS-K)

If you’ve been following Trixie and Knuffle Bunny ever since their first book, you won’t want to miss the conclusion of their story.  Trixie and her parents go to Holland to visit Oma and Opa.  Although Trixie and her parents leave the airplane in Holland, Knuffle Bunny does not … and he ends up flying all the way to China!

Now, a lot of things are different in this book.  Trixie is older–old enough to think about everything there is in the world, and old enough to make a choice about Knuffle Bunny.  Without spoiling the story’s ending, this book is a wonderful way to finish the series.